Modern Child’s Under / Over Stimulation

Digest from PsychCentral

There are many theories circulating, but Jean Piaget might be the most respected in the education field. He was one of the first people to study how a child’s brain develops.

His cognitive development theory basically explains how learning is a mental process that reorganizes concepts based on biology and experiences. He deduced that children learn the same way — their brains grow and function in similar patterns, moving through four universal stages of development.

Educators have been implementing a variety of techniques and methods into their lessons that build on Piaget’s principles. Children need to experience the world around them to accommodate new ideas. Children “construct an understanding of the world around them” and try to understand new ideas based on what they already know and discover.

For children, face-to-face interactions are the primary ways they gain knowledge and learn.

Dr. Jenny Radesky of Boston Medical Center, became concerned when she noticed the lack of interaction between parents and children. She had observed that smartphones and handheld devices were interfering with bonding and parental attention.

Radesky said, “They (children) learn language, they learn about their own emotions, they learn how to regulate them. They learn by watching us how to have a conversation, how to read other people’s facial expressions. And if that’s not happening, children are missing out on important development milestones.”

Screen time takes away from learning and physically exploring the world through play and interactions. It can be noted that doctors and educators are worried how the overexposure to touch-screen technology can impact developing brains.

Babycentre. Is screen time good or bad for babies and children? Except from BabyCentre.


Ballve, M. (2013). How Much Time Do We Really Spend On Our Smartphones Every Day? Business Insider. Excerpt from “Business Insider

Chapman, G.D., & Pellicane, A. (2014). Growing Up Social: Raising Relational Kids in a Screen-Driven World. Excerpt from Amazon Review

Glatter, R. M.D. (2014). Can Smartphones Adversely Affect Cognitive Development In Teens?  Excerpt from “Forbes Magazine

Howley, D.P. (2013). Children and Smartphones: What’s the Right Age? Laptop Part of Tom’s Guide. Except from Laptop Mag (blog)


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