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The following is EXCERPT ONLY directly from the County of San Diego’s main webpage. Please click for their full presentation!!
To protect the health of the public and attempt to stop or slow down the spread of this contagious disease, the California Department of Public Health has issued guidance on social distancing and postponing or canceling large gatherings for the remainder of the month of March.
Get your household ready. Some steps will be the same as preparing for other emergencies.
Store a two-week supply of food, beverages, and water, including food for family pets. Ensure an adequate supply of prescribed and routine medications are on hand.
Plan ways to care for those who are at greater risk for serious complications and who will take care of sick family members.
If you have family members with increased risk of getting seriously sick, check with your medical providers about symptoms and treatment.
Create an emergency contact list of family and friends, teachers and employers.
Have a plan in case your school, childcare, or employer closes temporarily.
Talk with your children, family, and friends about what to do if an outbreak occurs and what each person would need.
More preparedness information:
Excerpt: Visit FEMA’s full website
FEMA supports the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in its role as the lead federal agency for the federal government’s response. Learn about FEMA’s response to COVID-19 and more about the Department of Homeland Security’s response.
Coronavirus Rumor Control
Coronavirus Rumor Control
Rumors can easily circulate within communities during a crisis, stay informed on what is rumor versus fact related to the coronavirus response.
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