
Introducing “Excel-On-Demand” 

Make your Life at work Easier:  Speed Up your Ms-Excel, Word, and MS-Access record-keeping and reporting!

For years MS-Office has trained YOU and I  to perform redundant and obscure shortcut-key-combinations ?  

Finally someone has fought back and deposited 15 years of painfully acquired experience at your finger tips!  

Excel Help topics include:

a) Data Cleanup when pasted or inherited from unknown source??

  1. How to extract hyperlinks from entire sheet or selection?
  2. How to remove graphics pasted into Excel from outside?
  3. Can a shortcut key  append date and time stamp into a cell?
  4. How to extract and list hyperlinks hidden by labels?
  5. How to strip graphics pasted from web pages or Word
  6. How to convert Windows “smart quotes” and auto-punctuation to normal?
  7. How to clean up large tables ? (trim and replace multiple spaces, double-byte characters? )
  8. How to obfuscate – weak password scrambling?

b) so many tabs– How to manage, find, create??

  1. My spreadsheet has many tabs – some are filtered and don’t show data – how can I un-filter and re-filter them as they were?
  2. How to give all tabs unique / uniform header / footer
  3. How to list and select and to go tab
  4. How to unfilter, restore data filter?
  5. How to write all tab names to an empty column or row?
  6. How to Create multiple tabs from a list?


  1. DEC2bin – convert decimal number to  binary 
  2. bin2dec – convert binary number to decimal 
  3. How to hide and recover a password? obfuscate (string) deobfuscate (string)

d) Pretty Presentation & Print – Conditional Format

  1. How to alternate line background – blue-bar?
  2. How to autosize height, width, wrap to avoid clipped cells?
  3. to quickly identify Pass, Fail, Block and out of range data?
  4. quick find- color highlight differences – compare two large grids


    1. STOP WATCH? (How can) Excel  mimic a  stop watch and record each event with a keystroke?!
    2. Automatically List and Graph test progress metrics 
    3. Export into HP ALM Quality Center


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